
Theo's Pub

The Neighborhood Pub
Where you don’t remain
a stranger for long
Where your name is known

The Neighborhood Pub
Where you are accepted
Without pressure
No strings

The Neighborhood Pub
My neighborhood
My community
My church

The Neighborhood Pub
There is ritual
There is symbolism
Hymns are sung

The Neighborhood Pub
Grace is extended
No difference shown
All are accepted

The Neighborhood Pub
The publican
Looks after us
A family

The Neighborhood Pub
If I am hungry, I am fed
If I am in need of a dollar, it is there
If I am lonely, a friend will be found

The Neighborhood Pub
If I am missing for a few days
Someone will notice
And knock on my door

The Neighborhood Pub
Theo’s Pub
More of a church
Than is the church

© Frank A. Mills