
The Rabbit Hole

Alice falling down the rabbit hole, LeCompte
Alice Falling Through the Rabbit Hole
Jan LeCompte

Chapter 1: Down the Rabbit Hole

Adventure, surrealism, fantasy …
Illogical logic … nonsense ... truth
Irreverent reverence.
Ah Ha! moments all.

Chapter One is ... well ... the first chapter.
There’s nothing more to say,
There’s everything to say,
We tumble together.
We tumble not alone … we tumble with the best…
George MacDonald, Lewis Carroll, W. H. Auden,
C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, C.K. Chesterton,
Walter de la Mare, E. Nesbit, Madeleine L’Engle
Ursula Le Guin, and so many others.

We tumble with writers and poets, with musicians and artists, with photographers and filmmakers...

So get ready to tumble ...
to seek balance ... to strive for stable footing on a topsy-turvy path.

Belief ... Disbelief
Borderlands ... frontiers

Existence ... non-existence
Our Existence!

© Frank A. Mills 2018
My special thanks to Jan LeComte for graciously allowing me to use her fantastic drawing of Alice falling down the rabbit hole.
[Sharpie pen & acrylics on watercolor paper]