
LoraLee's Hands

Loralee's Hands
LoraLee's Hands
[Photo Credit: Frank A. Mills]

We’re more likely to see God’s story in the lives of the marginalized than in the statecraft and political decision-making of the powerful." -Daniel K. Williams (April 26, 2022, "Current Magazine")

These are Lora Lee's hands
They are just like everyone's hands
(Jesus Included)
Lora Lee lives in her car.

Originally from Seattle, "I am not homeless. My home," she tells me, "is where my car is parked." On another day I will share LoraLee's story. For now it just enough to know that she is no different than you and I, other than she happens to live in her car (a old Volkswagen van).

As I talk with LoraLee, the thought occurs to me, if Jesus lived today he and his disciples might very well live in a old bus.

Frank A. Mills
Sheffield Lake, OH
February 20, 2024