
Christian Universalism is a Principled Faith
A Stream of Uncontainable Love

Love Reaching Out
"Love Reaching Out"
Credit: Frank A. Mills, AI

We Christian Universalists often talk about why there is no hell, no eternal damnation. And that’s okay, but there is another way to look at what Christian Universalism is all about. In the best of the evangelistic tradition, Christian Universalism is the gospel of “loving the hell out of people.” It is both how we love, and the result of our love. The Love that Christian Universalism speaks to is that Pure Love we call “God.” It is a Love that is healing and receiving. A Love that is contagious and compelling. However, more than anything else, it is a Love that demands to be shared. Simply put, we can’t contain ourselves!

The Celtic poem, “The Three Cauldrons of Wisdom” speaks to this idea of overflow: With the first cauldron, which the poem places in the gut, we ruminate over the wisdom, seeking to understand her worth (or lack thereof). In the second cauldron, located in our chest (heart), we claim wisdom as our own. In the third cauldron, the one in the head (mind), we become so overjoyed with the truth of the wisdom that we must let it flow from our mouths. Not a small flow, but a flow so strong that it becomes a stream.

When several such streams of wisdom come together as one, as a mighty body of water, an energy that cannot be contained or resisted. And this Wisdom, the poem tells us, is God-given.

This is the evangelic message – the Gospel – that we Christian Universalist owe the world.

Frank A. Mills
Sheffield Lake, OH
April 18, 2024